How You Can Help/Donations

All Aboard!

HTHS is a small, all volunteer 501(c)3 organization. We depend on individual donations to support operational expenses. May we depend on you?

How can you help us save our heritage? It’s as easy as 1-2-3!

1. Become a member: Annual dues for an individual or household remains $15 per year. Dues are payable each spring when the annual membership letter is mailed. While we accept payment anytime: membership always needs renewal each spring.

With your annual dues (renewable each May) comes the opportunity to participate in the Historical Society of Michigan’s fantastic “History Hounds” Lecture Series which offers weekly zoom lectures. Just identify your membership with Helena Township Historical Society when asked.

2. Make a donation: Your generosity is appreciated. Whether a one-time or annual gift, this is a meaningful way to honor family or friends, or simply made in support of our cause. Click on the PayPal link below or send a check*

3. Become a Volunteer: Interested in history? In honoring the past and the pioneers who came before us? We are interested in you! No experience necessary.

Donations are income tax-deductible to the extent provided by Federal Tax Laws


 * Pay by Check:
Make Checks payable to and send to
Helena Township Historical Society
PO Box 204
Alden, MI 49612
Pay by Paypal:

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